Section 80JJAA

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 28 Jun, 2024 08:19 PM IST


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Section 80JJAA Income Tax Act is designed to encourage businesses to create more jobs and contribute to industrial growth. It offers tax benefits to eligible companies that increase their workforce aiming to boost employment opportunities and expand business activities.

What Is Section 80JJAA Of The Income Tax Act?

Section 80JJAA Income Tax Act encoufrages businesses to create new jobs in the formal sector by offering tax deductions. This provision allows employers to deduct up to 190% of the additional employee costs incurred when hiring eligible workers. The goal is to reduce unemployment rates by incentivizing businesses to expand their workforce. By claiming this deduction businesses can lower their taxable income thereby promoting economic growth through increased job opportunities. Overall Section 80JJAA Income tax act aims to stimulate employment and boost the formal sector by supporting employers who invest in hiring new employees.

Who Is Eligible To Claim Deductions Under Section 80JJAA?

Deduction under Section 80JJAA Income Tax allows businesses to claim benefits on additional employee costs incurred for hiring new employees meeting certain criteria. Here’s a simplified explanation:

1. Employee Eligibility

•    Employees must have a monthly salary of up to Rs. 25,000.
•    They should have been employed for more than 240 days in the previous year.
•    They must participate in a recognized Provident Fund.

2. Employer/Business Eligibility

•    Business must have been operational for at least 240 days in the previous year.
•    It must have employed a minimum of 10 employee in the preceding year.
•    Business must not have previously availed of a deduction under Section 80JJAA in any prior year.

3. Benefit Calculation

•    Businesses can claim a deduction equal to 30% of the additional employee cost incurred in the previous year for hiring eligible employees.

Calculations Of Deduction Under Section 80JJAA

ABC Ltd. incurred ₹70 lakh as total employee cost in the financial year 2021-22 with 40 employees. In the next year 2022-23 their total employee cost increased to ₹95 lakh with 50 employees.

To find out the additional employee cost incurred in 2022-23

Additional Employee Cost = ₹95 lakh (2022-23 total) - ₹70 lakh (2021-22 total)
                                                = ₹25 lakh.

According to Section 80JJA of the Income Tax Act, ABC Ltd. can claim a deduction equal to 30% of this additional employee cost.

Deduction under Section 80JJA = 30% of ₹25 lakh
                                                         = ₹7.5 lakh.

ABC Ltd. can claim a deduction of ₹7.5 lakh under Section 80JJA Income Tax for the financial year 2022-23 based on their increased employee costs compared to the previous year.

How Much Deduction Can Be Claimed Under Section 80JJAA?

Section 80JJAA allows a 30% tax deduction for three consecutive assessment years starting from the year in which you provided additional employment. To qualify for this deduction you need to meet the following conditions:

Ownership Requirement

Your business must be independently established not acquired from or split off another business.

Formation Conditions

Your business should not be formed by splitting up or reconstructing an existing business except if it's a re established business.

Compliance and Deduction

File your Income Tax Return on time. Submit a Chartered Accountant report (Form 10DA) to claim deductions under Section 80JJAA.

What Are The Conditions To Be Fulfilled To Claim Deductions Under Section 80JJAA?

Section 80JJAA of the Income Tax Act allows certain businesses to claim a tax deduction for hiring additional employees. Conditions for availing deduction:

1. Businesses that are registered under the Employees Provident Funds Act and engaged in manufacturing or production of specified goods can claim this deduction.

2. Business should not be formed from the transfer of ownership or reconstruction of an existing business.

3. Additional employees must have been hired in the previous financial year.

4. Each new employee's monthly salary should be less than Rs 25,000.

5. Employee must have worked for at least 240 days in the previous year.

Penalties For Claiming False Deductions Under Section 80JJAA

Under Section 80JJAA of the Income Tax Act in India claiming false deductions can result in serious consequences. Here are the penalties and consequences for falsely claiming deductions under this section:

1. If a taxpayer is found to have furnished inaccurate particulars of their income including claiming deductions under Section 80JJAA that are not genuine or supported by valid documentation they can be liable for a penalty. The penalty can be levied under Section 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act.

2. Penalty amount can range from 100% to 300% of the tax sought to be evaded. This is in addition to the tax payable on the income that was under reported due to false deductions claimed.

3. The Income Tax Department can reassess the taxpayer's income for up to 6 years if false deductions are discovered. This may lead to additional tax liabilities, penalties and interest.

Therefore taxpayers must ensure that any deductions claimed under Section 80JJAA or any other provision of the Income Tax Act are genuine and supported by appropriate documentation. False claims can lead to severe financial penalties, criminal prosecution, and other legal consequences.


Section 80JJAA provides deductions specifically aimed at businesses involved in manufacturing. This means if your business is in manufacturing and meets the specified criteria you can claim these deductions. However it's crucial to carefully review the eligibility criteria to ensure you qualify and to avoid any errors in your deduction claims. Remember this deduction does not apply to businesses in the service sector so understanding these distinctions is key to managing your tax filings correctly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, documents such as audited financial statements, employee details and Form 10DA are required for Section 80JJAA benefits.

Section 80JJAA incentivizes employers with tax deductions for hiring new employees benefiting both employers financially and employees through increased job opportunities.

Business formed by splitting or reconstructing an existing one or acquired through business reorganization falls under specified conditions.