Form 10B

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 28 Jun, 2024 04:11 PM IST

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Form 10B of income tax act is a document required by the Income Tax Department of India for filing audit reports under Section 12A(b) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. It verifies the compliance of a charitable or religious institution with its objectives and ensures proper utilization of funds for tax exempt status.

What Is Form 10B?

Previously if an organization applied to be recognized as a charity or religious trust using Form 10A they needed to file an audit report using Form 10B of income tax act . According to Section 12A of the Income Tax Act certain trusts or institutions must register to be eligible for tax benefits.

According to the Income Tax (Third Amendment) Rules 2023 Form 10B is mandated for audit reports of charitable funds, hospitals, educational institutions, colleges and medical facilities if their total income surpassed Rs. 5 crore in the previous financial year. This falls under Section 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Who Needs To File Form 10B?

Form 10B of income tax act is a requirement under the Income Tax Act for certain trusts and institutions. Here’s when it needs to be filed:

1. Total Income Exceeds Rs. 5 Crore: If the total income of a trust or institution without using specific exemptions under the Income Tax Act like sections 11 and 12 exceeds Rs. 5 crores during the previous year they must file Form 10B.

2. Receipt of Foreign Contribution: If any trust or institution receives foreign contributions during the previous year regardless of whether they are registered under section 12A or approved under section 10(23C) they are required to file Form 10B income tax.

3. Utilization of Income Outside India: If a trust or institution uses any part of its income outside India in the previous year they also need to file Form 10B Income tax.

These are the scenarios where Form 10B becomes mandatory under the Income Tax Act. It’s aimed at ensuring compliance and transparency in the financial activities of trusts and institutions operating in India.

What Is The Due Date For Filing Form 10B?

Organizations like trusts, institutions, universities and hospitals that are registered under sections 12A or 10(23C) of the Income Tax Act need to file a tax audit report along with Form 10B.

Due date for filing Form 10B is one month before the deadline for filing their income tax return. For example for the financial year 2023-24 (which runs from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024) due date for filing Form 10B is September 30, 2024.

This means these organizations must ensure their tax audit report and Form 10B are submitted by September 30, 2024 to comply with the law. It's an important requirement to fulfill their tax obligations under the Income Tax Act.

What Information Is Required To Complete Form 10B?

Form 10B is used by charitable or religious trusts in India for tax purposes, requires specific information like details of the trust including name, address and registration number, financial statements such as income and expenditure, balance sheet and audit report particulars of activities carried out during the financial year, compliance with legal requirements like registration under relevant laws and information about trustees. Additionally any changes in objectives, amendments to the trust deed and financial details of previous years might also be necessary. Accurate and complete documentation ensures compliance with Indian tax laws and regulations governing charitable trusts.

How To Download Form 10B

You can get your income tax return by logging into the Income Tax Department's official website online. If you prefer to use Form 10B offline you can download it from the same official website of the Income Tax Department of India.

Steps To File Form 10B

1. Login to Income Tax Portal: CA logs in to the official Income Tax efiling website using their valid CA credentials.

2. Access Pending Actions: On the dashboard, CA goes to Pending Actions and selects Worklist to see forms assigned by taxpayers.

3. Accept or Reject Forms: CA reviews forms assigned by taxpayers and can either accept or reject them. If accepted a confirmation message appears.

4. File Form 10B: Once accepted CA clicks on File Form next to the form details in the worklist.

5. Review Form Details: CA thoroughly checks all details of Form 10B shown on the screen and clicks Continue.

6. Start Filing: On the instruction page CA selects Let's Get Started to begin filling out the form.

7. Fill Form Details: CA fills out all sections of Form 10B accurately and selects Preview once done.

8. Preview Form: A preview page shows up. CA checks all details again to ensure accuracy.

9. Proceed to E Verify: After confirming the form is correct CA clicks Proceed to E Verify.

10. E Verification: A pop up appears asking if the CA wants to everify. If confirmed CA selects Yes.

11. Digital Signature: CA uses a Digital Signature Certificate to validate the e verification.

12. Confirmation: After successful validation a message Submitted successfully to Tax Payer appears on the screen. Taxpayer also receives an email and SMS regarding the submission of Form 10B.

Factors To Know Before Filing Form 10B

Before you submit Form 10B it's important to keep these points in mind

1. E filing Requirements: Both you and your Chartered Accountant need registered accounts on the Income Tax Department's efiling system.

2. Active PAN: Make sure that both your PAN and your CA's PAN are active and in good standing.

3. Submit Form 10B through the My CA service. This involves adding your CA to your account before proceeding.

4. Digital Signature: Your CA needs a current, registered and valid digital signature certificate.

5. Registration Requirement: If you're filing Form 10B under section 12A your organization charity, religious institution or trust must have either secured registration or applied for it.

These points ensure that your Form 10B submission meets all the requirements set by the Income Tax Department.

Penalties For Incorrect Filing Of Form 10B

Penalties for incorrect filing of Form 10B which is related to the audit report of an educational institution under section 12A(b) of the Income Tax Act can vary based on the nature and severity of the errors or omissions. Here are some potential consequences:

1. Rejection of Form: If the Form 10B is found to be incomplete or incorrect upon review by the Income Tax Department it may be rejected. This can lead to delays in processing and legal consequences.

2. Penalties: Income Tax Act allows for penalties under various sections for incorrect filing of returns or audit reports. Penalties can range from monetary fines to other consequences depending on the circumstances.

3. Legal Action: In cases of deliberate misrepresentation or fraud, legal action can be taken against the responsible individuals or entities. This can include prosecution under tax evasion laws.

4. Interest on Late Payment: If there are tax liabilities associated with the incorrect filing and they are not paid on time interest may accrue on the overdue amount.

5. Impact on Tax Assessment: Incorrect filing can lead to reassessment of taxes by the Income Tax Department resulting in additional tax liabilities and penalties.


Filing your returns correctly and on time is crucial especially when dealing with Form 10B. This form needs to be completed accurately and verified by a Chartered Accountant to be considered filed properly. Missing the deadline or submitting incomplete or inaccurate information can lead to serious consequences. It's highly recommended to seek expert assistance from a CA to ensure everything is done correctly and on time to avoid any penalties or legal issues. Their expertise will help navigate the process smoothly and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you need to attach supporting documents with Form 10B to back up the information you provide like financial statements and relevant records.

Auditor checks the financial information in Form 10B for accuracy ensures it follows regulations and gives an audit report confirming everything is correct and fair.

Discrepancies in Form 10B can be addressed by conducting thorough reviews, verifying financial data accuracy, correcting errors, consulting with auditors and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.