Multi Asset Allocation Mutual Funds
Multi-Asset Allocation Mutual Funds are balanced funds that invest at least 10% of their portfolio in three or more asset classes as per the SEBI guidelines. The fund can invest in a diverse range of assets and securities in the equity and debt market, including gold, real estate, commodities, bonds, stocks, gold, international equities, etc. This wide range of investment options provides investors the benefit of exposure to a diversified portfolio and a lower risk from volatility in any asset class. View More
Multi Asset Allocation Mutual Funds List
Fund Name | Fund Size (Cr.) | 3Y Returns | 5Y Returns | |
3,004 | 19.61% | 35.24% | |
52,257 | 18.65% | 28.41% | |
4,979 | 17.20% | 19.81% | |
4,950 | 15.95% | - | |
7,132 | 14.37% | 17.54% | |
3,837 | 13.29% | 20.75% | |
3,337 | 13.08% | 20.84% | |
1,270 | 8.46% | 17.78% | |
90 | 3.05% | - | |
1,086 | - | - |
Who Should Invest in Multi-Asset Allocation Mutual Funds?
Investing in a Multi-Asset Allocation Mutual Fund is ideal for investors who do not want a higher risk and want to earn stable returns by diversifying their investment in multiple financial instruments. Also, the fund is excellent for long-term holding or a long investment horizon, i.e., above five years at least. View More