Aggressive Hybrid Mutual Funds

Aggressive Hybrid funds are just another moniker for Equity Oriented Hybrid Funds. By concept and method, Hybrid funds are called so because they invest money in different types of asset classes, like equity and debt assets. The allocation of funds to equity-based securities is higher than other securities. View More

The SEBI mandates require that Aggressive Hybrid Funds must invest between 65% and 80% of the funds in equity or related market securities. The debt component in these funds is typically kept low, between 20% and 35%. This is because all securities have their unique risk profiles.

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Aggressive Hybrid Mutual Funds List

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Who Should Invest in Aggressive Hybrid Mutual Funds?

Aggressive Hybrid Funds returns depend largely on how the equity instruments are performing in the market. For this reason, it is best if the following people invest in this type of funds: View More

  • Investors willing to invest in funds that run a moderately high risk. Since market equities are volatile, and aggressive hybrid funds invest almost 80% of the total value in equities, the entire quantum could be affected adversely if the market crashes
  • Some new investors can try out the market thrill with aggressive hybrid funds, as they don’t completely bank on equity and offer some respite by investing a third of the quantum in debt instruments
  • Those looking to earn some income from their market investments can consider investing in aggressive hybrid mutual funds. Additionally, capital appreciation income is a good advantage that aggressive hybrid mutual funds provide
  • For the investors looking to create wealth from their investment, these funds are ideal if the tenure is 3 years or higher. Aggressive hybrid mutual funds perform better in the longer run – for a period of, say, 5 years, you can consider an investment for the mid-range future goals

For the investors who are very close to their retirement age, aggressive hybrid funds make good sense, as these funds provide a way to quickly build up to a good retirement corpus. If you are 5 years away from retirement, consider starting investment in aggressive hybrid funds. They offer good growth opportunities with balanced risk

Popular Aggressive Hybrid Mutual Funds

  • Min SIP Investment Amt
  • ₹ ₹ 500
  • AUM (Cr.)
  • ₹ 729
  • 3Y Return
  • 21.06%

  • Min SIP Investment Amt
  • ₹ ₹ 100
  • AUM (Cr.)
  • ₹ 38,507
  • 3Y Return
  • 18.09%

  • Min SIP Investment Amt
  • ₹ ₹ 100
  • AUM (Cr.)
  • ₹ 2,290
  • 3Y Return
  • 17.43%

  • Min SIP Investment Amt
  • ₹ ₹ 1000
  • AUM (Cr.)
  • ₹ 974
  • 3Y Return
  • 16.65%

  • Min SIP Investment Amt
  • ₹ ₹ 500
  • AUM (Cr.)
  • ₹ 1,463
  • 3Y Return
  • 16.28%

  • Min SIP Investment Amt
  • ₹ ₹ 500
  • AUM (Cr.)
  • ₹ 5,633
  • 3Y Return
  • 16.22%

  • Min SIP Investment Amt
  • ₹ ₹ 500
  • AUM (Cr.)
  • ₹ 570
  • 3Y Return
  • 16.06%

  • Min SIP Investment Amt
  • ₹ ₹ 100
  • AUM (Cr.)
  • ₹ 9,795
  • 3Y Return
  • 15.10%

  • Min SIP Investment Amt
  • ₹ ₹ 500
  • AUM (Cr.)
  • ₹ 1,945
  • 3Y Return
  • 14.97%

  • Min SIP Investment Amt
  • ₹ ₹ 100
  • AUM (Cr.)
  • ₹ 3,531
  • 3Y Return
  • 14.44%


No, there is no lock-in period for aggressive hybrid mutual funds. Investors can redeem their funds at any time. However, if the funds are redeemed within one year of investing, there is a charge on the exit load that depends on the fund house.

An aggressive hybrid mutual fund is an excellent investment option for those with a long-term investment tenure. It is also essential to know that these funds do not promise any minimum return guarantee. So the ideal duration of investing in aggressive hybrid funds is at least 5 – 7 years.

As per SEBI mandates, an aggressive hybrid mutual fund is an open-ended mutual fund that invests in equity and debt instruments. The fund has to allocate 65% – 80% in equity or equity-linked instruments and 20% – 35% for debt.

Due to the high exposure to equity-linked instruments, the risk rating for an aggressive hybrid fund is on the higher side. These funds carry a high to medium risk, depending on the fund manager’s allocation. These funds have high volatility during unfavourable market conditions.

Since aggressive hybrid funds invest 65%-80% in equities, these funds are taxable under the Income Tax Act 1961 and are taxed at the time of redemption on the profits gained. The gains are classified under Short Term Capital Gains (STCG), which are applicable for a holding period of less than 12 months and taxed at 15%, while the gains on a holding period above 12 months or more are taxed at 10% under LTCG (Long Term Capital Gains).

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