Best NBFC Stock to Buy in India

Tanushree Jaiswal Tanushree Jaiswal

Last Updated: 2nd September 2024 - 06:10 pm

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The Indian financial sector has experienced fantastic growth in recent years, with non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) playing a crucial part in economic development. NBFCs have appeared as a vital option to traditional banking institutions, giving a wide range of financial services to people and companies alike. As investors seek lucrative business opportunities, the NBFC sector presents an attractive route for gains. In this piece, we dive into the world of NBFCs, studying the best NBFC shares to buy in India for 2024.

What are NBFCs?

Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) are financial companies that give banking services like loans, credit lines, and investment goods without having a banking license. Regulated by the Reserve Bank of India, NBFCs are crucial in driving financial inclusion and catering to various customer groups. They provide consumer finance, car loans, lending, financial advice, leasing, hire-purchase, insurance advisory, and wealth management services. Unlike banks, NBFCs run under a separate legal system with different capital needs and loan rules. The NBFC sector has experienced significant growth, supporting traditional banks and reaching overlooked areas through new business models and product offers.

How NBFCs are Different from Banks

While NBFCs and banks share similarities in giving financial services, there are apparent differences between the two:

●    Regulatory Framework: NBFCs and banks run under separate legal systems set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). While the Banking Regulation Act of 1949 controls banks, Bof FCs are managed under the RBI Act of 1934 of d specific NBFC rules. The legal standards for NBFCs are usually less strict than banks, giving them greater freedom in operations and product offers.
●    Deposit-taking Ability: One of the critical differences between NBFCs and banks lies in their ability to accept deposits from the public. Commercial banks can accept investments from the general public, subject to specific rules and capital standards. In contrast, most NBFCs are not allowed to take public accounts, except for certain NBFCs approved explicitly by the RBI, such as deposit-taking NBFCs or residuary non-banking businesses.
●    Lending Focus: NBFCs often specialize in narrow lending segments and cater to specific customer groups that traditional banks may neglect. For instance, some NBFCs focus on consumer finance, offering personal loans, credit cards, or financing for consumer durables. Others specialize in car loans, catering to the automobile industry. Microfinance institutions (MFIs), a type of NBFC, focus on giving small loans to low-income people and micro-entrepreneurs. This focus helps NBFCs to develop knowledge in their different fields and tailor their goods and services to meet the unique needs of their target customers.
●    Capital Requirements: Banks are subject to strict capital requirements, which are meant to ensure their financial security and ability to withstand economic shocks. These capital standards are based on the Basel norms and involve keeping a certain amount of capital compared to their risk-weighted assets. On the other hand, NBFCs generally have lower capital needs than banks, giving them greater operating freedom. However, the RBI has been gradually tightening the capital rules for NBFCs to ensure their durability and stability.

Features of NBFC Stocks  

Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) stocks offer distinctive features that make them an interesting investment option within the financial sector:

● Diverse Financial Services: Unlike traditional banks, NBFCs offer a variety of financial services including loans, asset management, and insurance products, catering to niche markets often underserved by banks.

● Regulatory Framework: NBFCs operate under the regulation of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), but with fewer compliance burdens compared to banks. This can lead to more flexibility in operations and potentially higher profitability.

● High Growth Potential: Many NBFCs serve high-growth sectors such as microfinance, vehicle financing, and affordable housing finance, which are rapidly expanding markets in India.

● Risk Management: Effective risk management is a critical feature, as NBFCs generally take on higher credit risks. The best-performing NBFCs are those with robust risk assessment and management systems.

● Interest Rate Sensitivity: NBFC stocks are sensitive to changes in interest rates. Lower interest rates can lead to expanded margins as they typically borrow money at market rates and lend at higher rates.

● Market Reach: They often have a strong presence in rural and semi-urban areas, providing financial services to parts of the population less accessible to traditional banks.

Investors interested in NBFC stocks should consider these unique features alongside the individual company’s financial health, market position, and growth strategies to make informed investment decisions.

Overview of Best NBFC Shares to Buy in India 2024

Bajaj Finance Limited: 

Bajaj Finance is one of the best NBFCs stocks to buy in India, giving a wide range of financial goods and services, including consumer loans, wealth management, and insurance services. With a strong brand image and a robust multi-channel sales network, Bajaj Finance has regularly produced extraordinary financial success. Its focus on digital change and customer-centric approach has allowed it to keep a competitive edge in the market.

Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited: 

Specializing in business car lending, Shriram Transport Finance Company has established itself as an essential player in the NBFC field. Its niche focus on the fast-growing shipping and transportation business places it well for future growth. With a strong foothold in rural and semi-urban areas, the company has profited from the growing demand for business car loans.

Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Limited: 

Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company is a diverse NBFC with a strong foothold in car finance, home loans, and SME banking. Its varied product range and robust risk management practices have improved its safety and growth prospects. The company has a well-established track record of keeping good asset quality and profits.

Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited: 

As a part of the famous Mahindra Group, Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited offers a wide range of financial goods, including car loans, SME financing, and home finance. Its strong family and vast reach across rural and semi-urban areas make it an ideal business choice. The company uses the Mahindra brand value and has developed a strong position in the rural and semi-urban markets.

PNB Housing Finance Limited: 

PNB HomeHome Finance Limited is a significant housing finance company in India that focuses on offering cheap home loans. Its strong credit scores, solid asset quality, and innovative partnerships with banks and housing finance companies place it somewhat in the housing finance market. The company has gained from the government's efforts to promote cheap homes and has a strong foothold in urban and semi-urban areas.

Muthoot Finance Limited: 

Muthoot Finance Limited is a famous gold loan NBFC with a pan-Indian presence. It is known for its quick processes and high profits. The company has a well-established name and a vast network of stores, allowing it to cater to a broad customer base. Muthoot Finance has been able to capitalize on the growing demand for gold loans, especially in rural and semi-urban areas.

Sundaram Finance Limited: 

Sundaram Finance Limited is a diverse NBFC selling various goods, including car loans, personal loans, and business finance. The company strongly focuses on rural and semi-urban areas, where it has built a significant foothold. Sundaram Finance is known for its customer-centric approach and has consistently maintained excellent financial performance.

L&T Finance Holdings Limited: 

L&T Finance Holdings Limited is a division of Larsen & Toubro, one of the major companies in India. The company provides various financial services, including building finance, farm finance, and home loans. With a strong parent business backing and a focus on narrow areas, L&T Finance Holdings has established itself as an essential player in the NBFC industry.

Shriram City Union Finance Limited: 

Shriram City Union Finance Limited is a major NBFC dealing in two-wheeler lending, personal loans, and small business loans. The company has a strong foothold in semi-urban and rural areas, catering to the loan needs of neglected groups. Shriram City Union Finance has leveraged its vast office network and customer-centric approach to keep a competitive edge in its target markets.

Manappuram Finance Limited: 

Manappuram Finance Limited is a famous gold loan NBFC known for its strong asset quality and quick operations. The company offers cheap loans to neglected groups, especially in rural and semi-urban areas. Manappuram Finance has a well-established name and a vast network of stores, allowing it to cater to a broad customer base.

Performance table for the NBFC stocks

Company 1 Year Return (%) 3 Year Return (%) 5 Year Return (%)
Bajaj Finance Limited 17.2% 107.6% 452.3%
Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited -8.3% 45.2% 177.9%
Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Limited 25.6% 165.2% 313.8%
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited -9.2% 51.9% 162.7%
PNB Housing Finance Limited -19.5% -43.2% -46.8%
Muthoot Finance Limited 15.1% 104.9% 261.7%
Sundaram Finance Limited 21.4% 81.6% 198.5%
L&T Finance Holdings Limited -10.4% 29.1% 84.5%
Shriram City Union Finance Limited -9.7% 52.7% 174.8%
Manappuram Finance Limited -9.8% 118.2% 2


Advantages of Investing in NBFC Stocks

Investing in Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) stocks can offer a range of advantages:

●  Market Penetration: NBFCs excel in reaching underserved markets, such as rural and semi-urban areas, tapping into new customer bases that traditional banks often overlook. This wide market reach provides a growth vector that is both sustainable and scalable.

● Diverse Services: They offer a spectrum of financial services, including personal loans, mortgages, and asset financing, which diversify their revenue streams. This diversification reduces reliance on any single financial product and enhances stability.

● Regulatory Advantage: NBFCs benefit from a regulatory regime that is generally less stringent than that governing traditional banks. This can result in lower compliance costs and greater flexibility in operations.

● High Growth Potential: The sectors served by NBFCs, such as microfinance, vehicle financing, and affordable housing, are among the fastest-growing in India. Investing in NBFCs exposes shareholders to these dynamic sectors.

● Responsive to Economic Trends: NBFCs are often more nimble than larger banks, allowing them to adapt quickly to economic changes or opportunities, which can lead to faster decision-making and potential early entry benefits in emerging markets.

● Profitability: Due to their specialized nature and ability to charge higher interest rates in niche markets, NBFCs often maintain favorable profit margins.

These attributes make NBFC stocks a compelling choice for investors looking for exposure to specialized financial services with high growth and profit potential.

Risks of Investing in NBFC Stocks

Investing in Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) can offer significant opportunities, but it also comes with a set of risks that investors need to consider:

● Credit Risk: NBFCs often serve high-risk segments of the market, including unsecured loans and loans to individuals or businesses with lower credit ratings. This exposes them to higher default rates, particularly during economic downturns.

● Regulatory Changes: While NBFCs benefit from lighter regulatory requirements than banks, they are still subject to oversight and potential changes in policies by financial authorities such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Changes in regulations can impact profitability and operational flexibility.

●Interest Rate Volatility: NBFCs are highly sensitive to interest rate fluctuations. Rising interest rates can increase their cost of capital, squeezing margins, especially if they cannot pass these costs onto their borrowers.

● Liquidity Risk: These companies rely heavily on the wholesale funding market to finance their loan portfolios. Any disruption in funding, due to market conditions or diminished lender confidence, can lead to liquidity crises.

● Competition: The financial sector is intensely competitive, and NBFCs compete not only with each other but also with traditional banks, new fintech companies, and other financial institutions. This can pressure interest rates, terms of service, and ultimately, profitability.

● Operational Risks: NBFCs face operational risks related to technology, fraud, and management errors. Rapid growth can also strain existing processes, controls, and staff, potentially increasing operational risk.

● Market Risk: The markets in which NBFCs operate may experience fluctuations due to economic, political, or social factors. Changes in economic conditions can affect borrowers' ability to repay loans, impacting the financial health of NBFCs.

● Asset-Liability Mismatch: Many NBFCs face mismatches in the maturity of their assets and liabilities. Long-term lending funded by short-term liabilities can create balance sheet and cash flow stresses.

Understanding these risks is crucial for any investor considering NBFC stocks, as these factors can significantly influence the financial stability and growth prospects of these financial entities.

How to Invest in NBFC Sector Stocks?

Investing in NBFC sector stocks can be done through multiple channels:

  • Buyers can approach standard stockbrokers or online trading platforms, open a demat account, and directly purchase shares of public NBFC companies.
  • They can invest in mutual funds that have exposure to the NBFC sector through sector-specific funds or diverse stock funds with NBFC interests. Another choice is to buy in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track NBFC industry prices. Before buying, conducting an in-depth study is crucial, analyzing the financial success, asset quality, management trustworthiness, and growth possibilities of individual NBFC companies.
  • Investors should assess their risk appetite and investment plan and ensure proper portfolio diversification to minimize risks linked with the NBFC industry.


Who Should Invest in NBFC Sector Stocks? 

NBFC sector stocks are ideal for buyers with a modest to high-risk appetite and a long-term investment plan of at least 3-5 years. These stocks tend to be more unpredictable than standard banking stocks due to their focus on niche loan sectors and sensitivity to economic cycles. Investors with a low-risk tolerance or short-term financial goals may find NBFC stocks less suited. As the NBFC sector's success is closely tied to general economic growth, loan activities, and interest rate moves, investors should carefully evaluate their investment goals and risk tolerance and ensure proper portfolio diversification. Those with a good knowledge of the financial sector and a desire to take measured risks can consider giving a part of their assets to bright NBFC stocks.

Tips for Investing in NBFC Stocks

●    Diversification: Investing in multiple NBFC companies across different fields helps reduce the risk of overexposure to any single organization or industry. This approach ensures that your portfolio is not highly affected by company-specific or sector-specific risks, giving a cushion against possible downturns.
●    Financial Strength: Assessing the economic health of an NBFC is essential. Analyze measures such as asset quality, which shows the number of non-performing assets (NPAs) in the loan account. Strong asset quality suggests better risk management techniques. Capital sufficiency ratios are also assessed, which measure the NBFC's ability to handle possible losses and revenue measurements like return on equity (RoE) and net interest profits.
●    Management Credibility: The quality of an NBFC's leadership team plays a vital part in its success. Evaluate the management's knowledge, skills, and track record in the NBFC business. A seasoned and competent management team with a proven ability to handle challenges and capitalize on opportunities can significantly impact the company's performance and growth chances.
●    Regulatory Changes: The NBFC business is subject to regulatory control by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Stay updated about any changes in laws, such as capital requirements, loan norms, or interest rate policies, as these can significantly impact the operations and profits of NBFCs. Regulatory changes can bring new risks or possibilities, changing the industry's characteristics.
●    Economic Conditions: NBFCs are closely tied to broader economic conditions. Monitor macroeconomic factors like interest rates, inflation, and general economic growth, as they can impact loan demand, interest rate changes, and customer buying habits. A robust economic situation usually favors NBFC growth, while an economic slowdown may lead to higher NPAs and tighter loan conditions.


The best NBFC stocks to buy in India offer good business opportunities for those seeking exposure to the fast-growing financial services industry. Investors can benefit from the sector's growth and success by carefully examining the best NBFC stocks and adding them to a well-diversified portfolio.

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