आईवैल्यू इन्फोसोल्युशन्स लिमिटेड आईपीओ
- स्टेटस: आगामी
/ - शेयर
न्यूनतम इन्वेस्टमेंट
IPO विवरण
- खुलने की तारीख
- बंद होने की तिथि
- IPO कीमत रेंज
- IPO साइज़
- सूचीबद्ध विनिमय
- लिस्टिंग की तारीख
IPO टाइमलाइन
Initial public offering of up to 18,739,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each (Equity Shares) of Ivalue Infosolutions Limited (The Company or the Issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. [*] per equity share including a share premium of Rs. [*] per equity share (the Offer Price) aggregating up to Rs. [*] crores (the Offer). The offer comprises of an offer for sale of up to 18,739,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each (the Offered Shares) aggregating up to Rs. [*] crores (the Offer for Sale), comprising up to 134,184 equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each aggregating up to Rs. [*] crores by Sunil Kumar Pillai, up to 1,212,278 equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each aggregating up to Rs. [*] crores by Krishna Raj Sharma and up to 895,735 equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each aggregating up to Rs. [*] crores by Srinivasan Sriram (collectively the Promoter Selling Shareholders), up to 11,137,051 equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each aggregating up to Rs. [*] crores by Sundara (
हॉस्पिटल 3आसान चरण
5paisa ऐप का उपयोग करके या
वेबसाइट पर जाएं
भुगतान ब्लॉक करने के लिए
मुफ्त डीमैट अकाउंट खोलें
5paisa कम्युनिटी का हिस्सा बनें - भारत का पहला लिस्टेड डिस्काउंट ब्रोकर.
आगे बढ़कर, आप सभी से सहमत हैं नियम और शर्तें लागू*