The company was established in 1995 and is involved in investment advisory services business. It is currently trading at around ₹ 0.72 with an ROCE of 0.38% and ROE of 0.33%. Its OPM is around 15.83%.
Based in Kolkata, India, the company is an NBFC. The Company has a strong presence in India and abroad and reduces its exposure to risky debt offerings. It is currently trading around ₹ 4.20 with an ROCE of 0.89% and an ROE of 0.65%. Its OPM is 7.23%.
The company was established in 1985 and makes and supplies paper stationery. Its share price is around ₹ 3. Its ROCE, ROE, and OPM are 0.20%, -5.48%, and 0.18%, respectively.
The company is a not-for-profit organization that works to enhance financial access to clean energy and water resources. Its share price is around ₹ 1.17. Its ROCE, ROE, and OPM are 0.89%, 0.53%, and 4.96%, respectively
The company makes and exports diamond-studded jewellery. It is trading at around ₹ 3.01 at present with ROCE and ROE of 2.06% and 0.97% while the OPM is noted at 0.64%.