Journey of withholdings
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After Anil explaining what withholdings meant, Ritika wondered where did they actually go.
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Anil clarified her concern by telling her about the different areas where the money went.
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These areas are: -- Provident Fund -- Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) -- Professional Tax -- Labour Welfare Fund
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1) Provident Fund (PF) Calculated at 12% of Basic + DA + Special Allowance The employer and the employee both make an equal contribution of 12% each. Goes to the PF account of the employee.
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2) Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Deductions towards ESIC are mandatory for employees whose gross salary is not more than Rs. 21,000.
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3) Professional Tax Tax levied by Governments of certain states on salaried employees. The amount of Tax that is deducted varies from state to state where they are applicable.
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4) Labour Welfare Fund A contribution made by salaried employees for the benefit of the labour class. he employer and the employee both make contributions and the employer pays approximately twice the employee contribution.
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