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Taxation For Traders Detailed Tax Guide

By News Canvass | Mar 18, 2023


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What is taxation for traders?

  • If you have held equity investments for more than a year and report income as long-term capital gains, you can be considered an investor (LTCG). If your holding duration is longer than a day but less than a year, you can also classify your earnings as short-term capital gains (STCG). We also talked about the best way to report capital gains as business income if you trade more frequently or if it’s your main source of income.
  • Although practically all equities, currency, and commodity contracts in India are today cash-settled, they are by definition accompanied by the providing and taking of delivery (there are a few commodity futures contracts like gold and almost all agri-commodity contracts with the delivery option to it). If you execute shorter-term equity delivery-based trades frequently or if trading or investing in the markets is your primary source of income, your income from these trades should also be categorized as non-speculative business income. Shorter-term equity delivery-based trades are those held for between one day and one year.

If you trade shares for a living, you must know whether to report that revenue as income from a business or income from capital gains. The classification is based on how frequently trading occurs.

  • – In most cases, if a person receives money from shares on a consistent basis, it should be considered business income.
  • – Traders who engage in intraday trading should report their share trading income as business income.
  • – The revenue from stock trading that is shown as investment is classified as income from capital gains.

Income from intraday equity trading is regarded as speculative business income. Since you wouldn’t be dealing with the goal of taking delivery of the contract, it is seen as speculative.

Non-speculative business income – Because it has been specifically defined in this way, income from trading F&O (both intraday and overnight) on all exchanges is regarded as non-speculative business income. F&O is also regarded as non-speculative because these instruments are utilized for taking and giving delivery of the underlying contracts as well as for hedging.

Equity intraday trading revenue is a speculative company revenue. F&O trading generates non-speculative business income. Additionally, the income from equity delivery trading may be classified as either company income or capital gains.

  • A trader should submit ITR-2 if they have Income from Capital Gains.
  • A trader should submit ITR-3 if they have business income.
  • If a trader has chosen the Presumptive Taxation Scheme, they must submit Form ITR-4 on the Income Tax Website.

Taxation for traders

Every financial transaction undertaken today is subject to taxation. Taxation is a reality in all facets of life, whether you buy or sell goods or services. Investments are subject to taxation, which may have an impact on your choice of instruments. For instance, the length of time you have held an investment is a good indicator of the tax you would owe and how you might handle taxes in general. If you trade stocks intraday, for example, you might not be taxed the same manner as an investor who owns stocks for a longer period of time.

Consideration of someone with a long-term perspective as an investor and someone with a shorter-term perspective as a trader is a popular and obvious strategy. However, this distinction has a deeper meaning in terms of taxation. When compared to delivery trading, taxes on intraday share trading are substantially different. Similar to how BTST is categorized as non-speculative business income, intraday trading taxation counts it as speculative business income. Although we will also examine it for comprehension purposes, taxation for equity investors is rather simple and well-documented. This is more of a tax advice for traders who need to be aware of a wide range of subtleties relating to the taxation of stocks.

  • Trading gains and losses (F&O Overnight / Intraday, Equity Intraday) are regarded as company revenue. In this instance, there are two different kinds of business income.
  • Profit or loss from intraday equity trading is included in this category of income since, according to income tax law, it falls under the category of speculation.
  • Non-speculative business income: This includes any gains or losses from F&O overnight or intraday trading.
  • Other revenue includes both speculative and non-speculative business incomes (outside salary, bank interest, rent received, etc). This is taxed according to the income bracket you are in.

Tax on trading income

  • It is a well-known truth that taxes must be paid on any income derived from a job, rental income, or a business. Is buying or selling shares subject to taxation as well? Many homemakers and retirees buy and sell shares, but many don’t appear to understand how the transactions are taxed. Any investor should be aware that any profit or loss from the sale of stocks is included in the taxes category of “Capital Gains” in this respect. You will find that taxation is related to the heading “Capital Gains,” which is further divided into two types: long-term and short-term capital gains, if you happen to come across an investment or day trading instruction.

Income tax on stock trading

  • It is crucial to remember that the length of time that stocks and other securities are held matters. For many asset classes, these holding times have distinct and varying effects. The holding periods for equity shares (listed shares) and equity mutual funds are different from those for debt mutual funds for the purposes of levying income tax. Thus, taxability also evolves.
  • Equity investments are generally easy to understand. Short-term capital gains will be applied to any earnings produced within a year, and they will all be subject to a 15% tax rate.
  • Long-term capital gains are, however, considered if the stock is held for more than a year. In that instance, all of the profits are tax-free. The carrying forward of long-term capital losses is not an issue because long-term gains are tax-free. Short-term capital losses, on the other hand, can be carried forward for a period of 8 years from the fiscal year in which they originate since short-term capital gains are taxed. This is the most straightforward way to handle earnings and losses on shares. These LTCG and STCG profits or losses can be included in the capital gains part of your annual income tax returns, and the appropriate amount of tax will be deducted.

Income tax on intraday trading

Slab Rates if Traders opt for Old Tax Regime

Taxable Income (INR)

Slab Rate

Up to 2,50,000


2,50,001 to 5,00,000


5,00,001 to 10,00,000


More than 10,00,000


Note: Surcharge is liable for the total income as per the slab rate. Further, a Cess is liable at 4% on (basic tax + surcharge).

Slab Rates if Traders opt for New Tax Regime

Taxable Income (INR)

Slab Rate

Up to 2,50,000


2,50,001 to 5,00,000


5,00,001 to 7,50,000


7,50,001 to 10,00,000


10,00,001 to 12,50,000


12,50,001 to 15,00,000


More than 15,00,000


  • The dealer or investor must compute and pay advance tax if their projected tax bill exceeds Rs. 10,000. To avoid interest under Sections 234B and 234C, do this. Payments for advance tax are due on the 15ths of June, September, December, and March each year. However, if a merchant chooses presumptive taxation under Section 44AD, they are required to pay the entire amount of advance tax in one lump sum by the deadline of March 15th.
  • If a tax audit has been carried out by a qualified chartered accountant who is actively practicing, the merchant may claim, offset, and carry forward the losses. The trader can carry a loss forward and offset it against future gains to lower their income tax obligation.
  • Long-Term Capital Gain (LTCG) and Short-Term Capital Gain can be offset by Short-Term Capital Loss (STL) (STCG). The investor may set off any leftover losses against future STCG and LTCG for a period of eight years.
  • Only long-term capital gains (LTCG) can be offset by long-term capital losses. The investor may set off the remaining loss against future long-term capital gains for a period of eight years.
  • Only Speculative Business Income may be offset by Speculative Business Loss. The trader may set off the remaining loss only against future Speculative Business Income for a period of four years.
  • Any revenue in the current year, with the exception of salary, may be offset by non-speculative business losses. The dealer has eight years to carry the remaining loss forward and deduct it from future years’ business income.
  • However, the trader cannot offset the brought-forward business loss against business incomes if they chose the new tax system. Additionally, they are unable to transfer the business loss over to succeeding years.

Intraday trading taxation

  • The Central Board of Direct Taxation has given taxpayers the option to decide how to handle any earned money. However, after the investor chooses how their income will be handled, the investor is then required to pay the necessary taxes. Additionally, unless it can be demonstrated that there has been a significant change in the case circumstances, the same taxation procedure must be followed for any following years the investor is taxed. Securities and shares that are listed on stock exchanges are under the purview of this decision.
  • You can carry forward any incurred business losses if your income tax returns are submitted on time by July 31st for non-audit cases and September 30th for audit cases.
  • Speculative losses may be carried forward for a period of four years and may only be offset by speculative gains made during that time.
  • Any other company income, with the exception of pay income for the same year, may be offset against non-speculative losses. Therefore, they can only be offset against capital gains, rental income, and bank interest income during the same year.
  • You may carry forward non-speculative losses for the following eight years, but keep in mind that they may only be offset by non-speculative gains generated during that time.
  • Contrary to popular belief, speculative profits can be offset by non-speculative losses, while speculative losses cannot be offset by non-speculative gains (in intraday equity).
  • You cannot net off each other and claim zero profits if you have an annual speculative (intraday equities) loss of Rs. 100,000 and a non-speculative profit of Rs. 100,000. On Rs 100,000 of non-speculative profit, you would still be required to pay taxes, and you might carry the speculative loss forward.
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