Finschool By 5paisa

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Socially Responsible Investment

SRI, commonly referred to as social investment, is a type of investment that is regarded as socially responsible because of the type of business the company engages in.

Socially conscious investing is a prevalent theme for socially responsible investments. Investments in socially conscious mutual funds or exchange-traded funds can be made directly in companies with strong social values or indirectly through such enterprises (ETF).

Investing in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has the extra benefit of exposing investors to a wide range of businesses across numerous industries. To learn more about the precise philosophies used by fund managers and the possible profitability of these investments, investors should carefully read the fund prospectuses.

The social impact and financial gain are the two underlying objectives of socially responsible investing. The two don’t necessarily have to go together; just because a financial product calls itself socially responsible doesn’t ensure that it will provide investors a good return, and the promise of a high return is far from an assurance that the nature of the company involved is socially conscious.

Socially conscious investments frequently reflect the current political and social landscape. Investors should be aware of this risk because if an investment is based on a social value, it may suffer if that social value loses favour with other investors. Because of this, investment professionals frequently consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors while making investment decisions.




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